On Sale limited time all wallpaper selections up to 25% Off. Sale Ends 1/31/25 Free shipping on contiguous U.S. orders over $100.

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Browse our extensive list of categories and books to find the wallpaper pattern that is just for you. We have arrange the site to be easily navigable and so that you have enjoyable experience when shopping for your wall décor. No matter if are looking to redecorate your home with modern designer prints, nostalgic country patterns or abstract designs with squiggly geometric shapes we have just what you are looking for. We stock 1000s of pattern numbers in order to bring you a complete selection that will fit every type of room scene imaginable.

Please Note.. Wallpaper ships in double roll bolts only.  Order the number of rolls needed in increments of 1,2,3 etc.  You will receive your order in double roll bolts, the exact number you order.  

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