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Posted on: September 25, 2013 by admin

Inspired By Color Follows Growing Trend In Industry

Inspired by ColorThe speed and efficiency at which you can find the exact wallpaper you are looking for just got better with a new line of books called Inspired by Color.

Distributed by York Wallcovering, all twelve books feature the most popular patterns, organized by their dominant color, from all past collections.

Wallcovering manufacturers have caught on that the public prefers to shop for wallpaper that is categorized by its color. It makes it easier for them to find exactly what they want.

Most people who are looking for wallpaper already have an idea of the color combination they want to use in a room and would prefer to solely search in a specific book that features those colors. If you are looking for black and white wallpaper then sorting through hundreds of other colors is a waste of time.

York is continuing a trend that was started by Blue Mountain five years ago with their Design by Color line. Though a relatively new company when compared to others, the Design by Color line propelled Blue Mountain into one of the highest selling wallpaper distributors in North America. Since that point it seems that other companies are gearing up to follow suite with many other color categorized wallpaper collections being placed in the works or being released in the near future.

Inspired by Color Beige


Inspred by Color Black and White

Black & White

Inspired by Color Blue


Inspired By Color Borders


Inspired by Color Country & Lodge

Country & Lodge

Inspired by Colore Grasscloth


Inspired By Color Green


Inspired by Color Kids


Inspired by Color Metallic


Inspired by Color Purple


Inspired by Color Red


Inspired by Color Yellow Orange

Yellow & Orange